
Emily Alden

Occupational Therapist from Yeovil District Hospital NHS Trust, Emily shares why she loves her uniform and what wearing it means to her.

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"My uniform identifies me from other health care professionals! It enables my patient to understand who is who in their care and treatment.

My uniforms enables me to pride myself and support my professional identity!

Being an Occupational Therapist is a challenge in itself! Everyone knows the role of a physio - but what does the OT do???

Being able to wear my greens - enables me to help others differentiate my role to the rest of the MDT. 

#ilovemyuniform it makes me the therapist who I aspire to be."

Watch the video as we surprised Emily on the job in front of her colleagues. 


Browse images from the day we surprised Emily on the job and named her a Uniform Hero 2023:

Emily 02

Emily 01

Emily Alden



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