
Louise Clack

Uniform Hero entrant and Royal Mail Postie, Louise, shares why she loves wearing her uniform.

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Uniform Hero entrant and Royal Mail Postie, Louise, shares why she loves wearing her uniform.

"I #lovemyuniform because I look smart and represent Royal Mail with the utmost professionalism and respect. I’ve had countless of my customers on my post route comment on how amazing I look with my Royal Mail uniform and they all love it.

I’m known locally and on BBC radio 1, and by Royal Mail mangers in my area as the cowboy postie with all the energy who always has a smile on my face no matter the weather. This is the best job I’ve ever had and I hope to be in this for many years to come. I am the most colourful and charismatic postie my local area has ever seen."


Louise Clack


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